English is the most widely spoken language that people strive to learn on all continents of the Earth.It is in English that the most successful businessmen in the world communicate, it is English that helps travelers not to get lost.If you know at least 300 of the most used English words, you will no longer feel like an outcast in a foreign country for you.The English application for OGE is suitable for entry-level English and will help you pass the exam in English.To learn English and pass the exam, you do not need to spend money on a tutor and memorize a million words.It is enough to learn the 1000 most used English words using our application.Especially for you, we have selected in the convenient mobile application only the most necessary words for passing the exam in English.Learning English is designed for 60 days every day in one lesson, having learned 1000 words per month,You will be able to speak English fluently, and without exams pass OGE in English. Thousands of English words and phrases categorized. Also in the application there is an opportunity to learn English words on topics,specially for you the most interesting and necessary topics have been selected. The application has my dictionary, in which you can add English words of your choice, and learn them. There is also a study of English phrases, with which you can learn to speak English and not get lost in another country.To pass the OGE in English, it is not enough just to be able to read and write in English, it is also important to be able to understand English by ear.To do this, we voiced every English word and every English phrase in our application English for OGE, which is especially important for beginners to learn English from scratch.If you liked the application, leave your review. We constantly monitor your offers and modify our products in accordance with the wishes of users.